Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Camille Paglia and Deficits

It is not that often that I agree with Camille Paglia, but I think she gets it mostly right on Sotomayor; if her record supports it, confirm her, but the "wise latina" statement is indefensible. Paglia describes the line as a "vestige of the bad old days of male-bashing feminism", but I think it's more a vestige of the ethnic identity politics of the 60's-80's, where some attributed special wisdom or spirituality to one group or another. The fact that Sotomayor said it to what seems like a predominately (and maybe) solely latino audience makes me even more comfortable, making it a little too self-congratulatory.

Also, the New York Times has an interesting piece on exactly what has created the looming deficits; Obama's stimulus plan makes up a tiny fraction of it, though author Leon Steinhardt doesn't let Obama off the hook for not doing enough to fix the deficit.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and hopefully you'll write some more because I find your writing very insightful and refreshing.
